UNIVERSITY CITY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION is holding its monthly meeting on Wednesday, JANUARY 11, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. All are welcome.
A G E N D A: (tentative)
6:00- Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
Introductory comments, Approval of November minutes, (vote)
Approval of agenda, (vote)
6:05: SD Police/Fire….Community Services Officer, Brandon Broadus
6:10- Legislative representatives; Brian Elliott, (U.S. Congressman
Scott Peters), Bridger Langfur, (District 1 City Council), other…
6:20- City of San Diego Pure Water Program Team – 15 minute presentation
6:35- OPEN FORUM….(Requests for funds, plus….)
U.C. Little League-action item, request for $2,000. (Old Business)
Improve UC- request to cover organization insurance-Greg Zinser
Marcy Park Improvement project-request-Ruth DeSantis
U.C. High Music Boosters
U.C. High Swim Team Uniforms- presenters TBA
Miramar MCAS communications- Stephanie Jed
7:00- President’s comments-Barry
7:10- Treasurer’s Report- Don
Membership- Hallie
7:15- Beautification- Merle/Barbara G.
Banners-Barbara H./Diane
Neighborhood Watch- Barbara G.
County Grant Applications- Diane
Newsletter logistics-Barry/Don
other….2017 meeting refreshments sign-up
7:40- Adjournment -Next meeting Feb. 8th
If you have an agenda item to share, please do so through the ‘Contact Us’ link.