UCCA issues tentative Agenda for Wednesday, January 11, community meeting


january-11UNIVERSITY CITY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION is holding its monthly meeting on Wednesday, JANUARY 11, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. All are welcome.

A G E N D A: (tentative)

6:00- Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
Introductory comments, Approval of November minutes, (vote)
Approval of agenda, (vote)

6:05: SD Police/Fire….Community Services Officer, Brandon Broadus

6:10- Legislative representatives; Brian Elliott, (U.S. Congressman
Scott Peters), Bridger Langfur, (District 1 City Council), other…

6:20- City of San Diego Pure Water Program Team – 15 minute presentation

6:35- OPEN FORUM….(Requests for funds, plus….)
U.C. Little League-action item, request for $2,000. (Old Business)
Improve UC- request to cover organization insurance-Greg Zinser
Marcy Park Improvement project-request-Ruth DeSantis
U.C. High Music Boosters
U.C. High Swim Team Uniforms- presenters TBA
Miramar MCAS communications- Stephanie Jed

7:00- President’s comments-Barry

7:10- Treasurer’s Report- Don
Membership- Hallie

7:15- Beautification- Merle/Barbara G.
Banners-Barbara H./Diane
Neighborhood Watch- Barbara G.
County Grant Applications- Diane
Newsletter logistics-Barry/Don
other….2017 meeting refreshments sign-up

7:40- Adjournment -Next meeting Feb. 8th

If you have an agenda item to share, please do so through the ‘Contact Us’ link.


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️