From Live Well San Diego:
Self-defense skills are good for everyone to learn – and practicing them can provide a great workout. Martial arts and self-defense classes teach discipline and respect for others and can help you build confidence.
Two Live Well San Diego Recognized Partners provide training in Martial Arts: MMA Academy and the YMCA.
MMA Academy is a self-defense, fitness and fighting training center that has been committed to “strengthening mind and body” since 1990. Their goal is to have each person who has the desire to learn self-protection to have that right.
The YMCA of San Diego County offers karate classes at various locations. Locate a fitness center near you and search for their listing of karate classes.
If fitness classes aren’t your thing, you can also learn more about how to keep yourself safe with the 4 A’s of Self-Defense (Attitude, Awareness, Assessment and Action) from the City of San Diego Police Department at https://www.sandiego.gov/police/services/prevention/tips/street
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