From the Facilities Financing Department:
10010 Campus Pointe Dr., 1st floor, 6 P.M . January 10, 2017
1. Call the Meeting to Order – Janay Kruger, Chair
2. Pledge of Allegiance followed by Moment of Silence
3. Agenda: Call for additions/deletions: Adoption
4. Approval of Minutes: November, 2016
5. Announcements Chair Letters/meetings, SDPD Update, Future projects, Chair’s Report Plan Update, FBA data
6. UCSD Anu Delouri, SANDAG Frank Oswainy, Membership Report John Bassler, Councilperson Barbara Bry Bridger, Senator Toni Atkins Chevelle Tate, 52nd Congressman Scott Peters Brian Elliot, MCAS Miramar K. Camper, Planning Department Dan Monroe
7. Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items 3 minutes per speaker
8. Information Item: Glider Park, Presenter: Patti Phillps, City of San Diego READ Asset Mgr., Roswitha Sanchez City of San Diego Project Mgr.
9. UCSD Information item Housing/Dining/Hospitality Update, Presenter: Robert Clossin, UCSD Planning
10. Information Item: Illumina PID and Site Plan Amendment, Add approximately 250,000 sf. Alexandria Real Estate, Presenter: Mike Barrera, Vice President Development/Project Mgr.
11. Action Item: Campus Pointe Add 328,000 sf to Master Plan, CPA, Letter regarding Supplemental EIR to 1993 EIR, 1997 Amendment, Updated information Alexandria, Chair Sub-Committee Issabelle Kay, Andy Weise, Alley Barton, Debbie Knight, Ross Callum, Janay Kruger, Action/Info Item: At the applicant’s request, they would like a vote on the Project. They are bringing copies of the CLIMATE ACTION PLAN, checklist, and that the City Issues have all been signed off. Presenter: Neil Hyttinen Attorney, Mike Barrera, Vice President Development/Project Manager
12. 8:30 Information Item: 5807 Regents Rd. Single Family Home, Owner: Jahangir Vamid, City of San Diego Sold The property to Vamid Family. 15 Minute Presentation, then Q&A
13. 9:00 Ad Hoc Committee Reports, Fire Station 50 Ash Nasseri, Bicycle Safety Peter Krysl, Andy Weise, Costa Verde Need to Schedule a sub-committee meeting, Mid-Coast Trolley Janay Kruger
14. 9:15 Old Business/New Business
15. 9:20 Adjournment
View this agenda in PDF form at http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/cpg/agendas.shtml
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