Take a look at current and past issues of UCCA’s University City newsletters, and you may see ‘ancient’ history … or maybe you’ll see tradition. In 2002, the first year of publication, the top stories included beatification projects (medians and tree plantings) along Governor, updates about construction projects being evaluated by UCPG (including Westfield UTC Mall expansion), and breakfast with Santa.
In 2016, the front page story is Dinner with Santa and the Tree and Menorah Lighting with holiday music, combined into one large event, sure to delight kids of all ages, Friday, December 19, 5:30-7:30 PM, at Standley Recreation Center on Governor. For ticket information, refer to the University City newsletter or to Standley’s Winter Program.

UCCA’s 2016 December/January
issue is filled with other valuable updates and news such as
- Standley’s holiday event is now Dinner with Santa along with a holiday tree and menorah lighting.
- Beautification projects now include street banners and transformer boxes.
- The proposed amendment to the University Community Plan, including the removal of the Regents Road Bridge and Genesee Avenue widening projects; City Council to vote on Monday, December 5.
- Election results – UCCA officers and publicly elected officials.
- Westfield UTC Mall and Mid-Coast Trolley construction updates.
- Holiday safety tips; new police staff at Northern Division.
- Last messages to University City from outgoing City Council president Sherri Lightner and County Supervisor Dave Roberts.
- Library programming for both the Library on Judicial and the Library on Governor.
- Library Friends update from Helen Lebowitz.
- School-related news from EdUCate, Curie Elementary, University City High School, Standley PTSA, Centurion Foundation
- Buy Local and UCCA membership updates
- Parks and Recreation news from Little League and salute to John La Chica
- University Community Planning Group (UCPG) November meeting summary
- Good Deeds Abound in University City (back cover)
- Neighbor-to-neighbor Recipe Exchange (center pages).
View current and past issues of UCCA’s newsletter, now in continuous publication since May 2002, at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Note: If you have a news item to share, please submit your story through UCCA’s Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/.
Review article guidelines at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/