October UC Cluster Meeting Summary Report


Courtesy of Jemma Samala:

UC Cluster CommitteeThe University City Cluster Committee (UC Cluster Committee) was formed in 2010 when San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) created neighborhood advisory boards. The UC Cluster consists of UC High, Standley Middle, and Curie, Doyle, and Spreckels Elementary.

The October meeting was held at the University City High School (UCHS) Media Center.

School updates included: Red Ribbon Week at Curie; school reorganization at Doyle and the focus to build the concept of “community” in the classrooms; implementation a compassionate program at Spreckels; annual Homeland Security visit at Standley, and PSAT testing at UCHS.

EdUCate! President Bonnie MacRitchie reported on the success of the annual Oktoberfest celebration. The Teacher Grant process is under way, EdUCate! is continuing the Dollar-A-Day fundraising campaign, and Food Trucks, until it gets too dark, and they are experimenting by locating it at different schools.

A district rep discussed the choice program and the shorter application window this year, in order to be aligned with the other 42 school districts in San Diego County. Siblings of current enrolled choice students must still apply. The deadline is November 14. Choice lists will be generated in February.

Board Member John Lee Evans reported that the Standley Park joint use improvements will be going through the (Environmental Impact Report) EIR process and since part of the project runs through city property, city funds will need to be located. Evans also reported there is a focus to increase the literacy levels, eventually leading to higher graduation rates, and as he said “higher expectations get higher results.”

Three UC Cluster Committees are being formed: Safety – all types of safety for all five schools; Cluster-wide Volunteers – set up a volunteering pool: Pathway Articulation – path from elementary to middle to high schools. Please contact UC Cluster Chair Rick Selby at info@uccluster.com.

New officers were elected. Congrats to: Rick Selby, Chair; Gwenivere Maxwell, Vice-Chair; Lana Lo, Communications Officer; and Randall Tonini, Secretary. The Parliamentarian position is open, please contact UC Cluster if interested.

Next meeting will be held at Doyle Elementary on Monday, November 14, 4:30 PM.

For more information about the UC Cluster Committee, visit http://www.uccluster.com/.

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/uc-cluster-schools/

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