Notice of Final PEIR – University Community Plan Amendment


Courtesy of Susan I. Morrison, Associate Planner, City of San Diego Planning Department:

img_7089The University Community Plan Amendment final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and Appendices, Project No. 480286, to remove the Regents Road Bridge and Genesee Avenue widening projects from the Plan, were finalized on October 10, 2016.

To view the PEIR and related appendices on the City’s website, visit and scroll down to “Final CEQA Documents October 10, 2016.”

Available documents include:

  • University Community Plan Amendment / Project No. 480286 / Final PEIR
  • Appendix A: NOP Comment Letters
  • Appendix B: NOP Transcript
  • Appendix C: Transportation Impact Study
  • Appendix D: Air Quality Emissions Calculations
  • Appendix E: Wetlands Assessment Memo

The University Community Plan Amendment will be presented to the Planning Commission for recommendation on Thursday, October 27; and will go before the Smart Growth & Land Use Committee on Wednesday, November 16.

City Council will vote on the amendment on Monday, December 5.

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