Mid-Coast Trolley – UCSD Trolley Extension


Courtesy of Sydney Patchett, University City High School Newspaper Editor:

Mid Coast Trolley MapAn approximately $2 billion Mid-Coast trolley project is under operation here in University City, San Diego, and is estimated to finish around 2021; the Mid-Coast Trolley will extend from the city’s current stop, Old Town, all the way to the University Of California, San Diego.

Chair of the University Community Planning Group, Janay Kruger, says that the trolley will provide transportation between the three universities: USD, SDSU, and UCSD, while also linking the large employment sectors of the city.

Major local construction and utility relocation should be expected within the University City community in late 2016, she added. According to Kruger, the new extension will “head north from the Old Town Transit Center, hug the east side of I-5, cross under Gilman Drive, and then continue past La Jolla Colony before crossing over I-5 just south of the LDS Temple.” 50 percent of the construction and finances are being covered by San Diego’s half cent sales tax surcharge for transportation projects, while the remaining balance is supposed to be federally funded by a transit administration grant, said Kruger.

With this new project, the board is also requesting more security from MTS (Metropolitan Transit System) to be provided at the 6 stations, however; Kruger stated that little progress is being made in this department.

“I feel that the trolley system offers a safer public transportation option. The stations are usually well lit and maintained with transit officers providing security and safety for those who travel on the trolley. Much like the stations near SDSU, I’m sure that special attention will be paid to these concerns with service going to UCSD (and with the line being in such close proximity to our high school), stated University City High School Vice Principal, Mike Parades. “I believe that the new trolley stations will also provide our UCHS students with an environmentally friendly option to get around San Diego.”

UCHS senior Damen Kohli has a similar opinion regarding the new trolley extension. “It has the potential to be very beneficial for all citizens of San Diego, as well as decreasing our need to always use motor vehicles as a method of transportation. Environmentally, it will have a great impact,” said Kohli.

Editor’s Note:  SANDAG will host a Mid-Coast Trolley Groundbreaking Celebration on October 22. For more information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2016/09/16/save-the-date-mid-coast-trolley-groundbreaking-celebration-october-22/

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