UCCA helping to improve Crosswalk Safety for pedestrians and drivers

Continental Crosswalks at Governor and Genesee

Courtesy of Barbara Gellman, University City Neighborhood Watch Coordinator and Beautification Co-Chair:

Continental Crosswalks at Governor and Genesee
Continental Crosswalks at Governor and Genesee

University City Community Association and the City of San Diego, with support from Live Well San Diego, are working together to make it safer for pedestrians and drivers in our community.

Using the “Get it Done” application, UCCA submitted pictures of old faded crosswalks adjacent to Governor Drive and requested installation of Continental Crosswalks for enhanced safety. The street division responded in a timely fashion.

Most of the affected intersections are located near schools. A highly visible and highly traveled intersection was recently completed at Governor Drive and Genesee Avenue (see attached picture).

The “Get it Done” application is available in both desktop and mobile device formats and can be used for addressing streets, weeds, damaged curbs, leaking hydrants and more. It is one of the easiest ways to request service and get results from our City.

For more information on the “Get it Done” app, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/get-it-done

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/live-well/

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