Courtesy of Barry Bernstein, president, University City Community Association:
Banana Split 2016: Photo courtesy of Candice Bottomley
September sure came around fast this summer! With lots of high temperatures with little or no rain, makes for a very dangerous fire season in San Diego County. We should be thankful water restrictions have been modified, thanks to good City planning, so our lawns and gardens can perhaps do more than just survive. And be careful to look out for the safety of our school children; they started on August 29.
The fourth of July “Celebration” was once again a major community event…something we U.C. residents all can be proud to “brag” about. The Sunday/Friday summer concerts were wonderful ways to enjoy the evening hours. Some of you brought extra bananas to share and go along with the great toppings at the Standley Park Annual Banana Split event.
On July 28, the Standley Park Rec. Council approved the “ImagineUC 2020” concept, which now will be reviewed for approval by the City’s Park and Rec. Department. On July 31, at the Rifftide Concert at Standley Park, UCCA was pleased to recognize its more than 200 volunteers, (newsletter delivery volunteers and Neighborhood Watch captains). Watch for their new UCCA Volunteer Visors! Also, at our Volunteer Recognition Event, City Council President Sherri Lightner welcomed and thanked our volunteers, and then surprised me with a City Proclamation recognizing July 31st as “Barry Bernstein Day”. It was quite a surprise.
The intermission program ended with County Supervisor Dave Roberts congratulating us on winning two Neighborhood Enhancement grants and announcing UCCA’s membership in the County’s “Live Well” program.
In early August, Northern Division SDPD and UCCA sponsored the national “Night Out” with many small neighborhood events on August 2, followed by the big event at Spreckels Elementary on August 3rd in coordination with EdUCate. On Tuesday, August 16, Barbara Gellman and Officer Holly Tafoya initiated the very first “Meet and Greet” with our Northern Division SDPD at the UC MarketPlace. Sprouts provided coffee and muffins for the dozens of attendees.
And, special thanks to Gordon and Carol Parham for never giving up and making the Cather/Florey/Gullstrand Tot Park a reality.
At July’s UCPG meeting, their board voted overwhelmingly in favor of the amendment to eliminate the Regents Road Bridge and Genesee widening projects from the University Community Plan. The UCPG vote is advisory and our City Council will make the final decision on the amendment sometime this Fall.
The UCPG board has six members representing South UC (see below*), 3 residents and 3 business. They are elected, and you should know who they are and how influential they can be in prioritizing the millions of dollars generated by building permits in North University City. If you are interested in reviewing the balances in the two North University City accounts you can go online to view the most recent documents:
Due to Ray Ellis’ withdrawal from the City Council election, (however, his name will still be on the ballot), we want to congratulate Barbara Bry on her very positive and impressive campaign. Ms. Bry, who had her campaign office in the UC MarketPlace, worked very hard to be known in our community. Congratulations to her and to her staff for their victory.
The UCCA/SD League of Women Voters “Candidates Forum” scheduled for October 5th has been CANCELLED. UCCA will be meeting at our community library on Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00. Please join us. Remember, “We’re more than just a neighborhood.”
*The six elected South UC members of UCPG, (University Community Planning Group) are as follows: Residents, (3) Nancy Groves, Meagan Beale, (vice-chair of UCPG), and Andy Wiese. Business reps, (3) John Bassler, Caryl Lees Witte, and Nan Madden. UCPG meets the second Tuesday of the month.
➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️