On August 19, a brush fire ignited on the north side of Rose Canyon just east of Genesee, across the canyon from University City High School. It was quickly contained by San Diego Fire-Rescue and assisting agencies.
Standley Middle School student Brenden Kennedy was in the right place at the right time. He aspires to be a pilot and his hobbies are fishing, basketball and baseball. He’s also great with a camera; take a look.

Courtesy of Brenden Kennedy

PS: The first picture is of Brenden with a five pound Calico Bass on the Chubasco out of Mission Bay last week.

From University City High School principal Jeff Olivero via Twitter @MrOatUCHS:
Related post at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2016/08/19/brush-fire-threatens-homes-in-university-city-nbc-7-san-diego/
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