Courtesy of UC Del Sol:
Fall Softball is for new and continuing softball players that would like to maintain and or improve their skill level for the spring season.
Girls have the opportunity to learn the next higher level of competition, pitching distance and larger ball size.
Teams will be formed August 8, 2016 and practices will begin at the end of August.
Games will begin in September and go until November. There will be an end of season Tournament to conclude the Fall Ball Season.
Season Information and Format:
- Games are on Sundays, either morning or afternoon games
- Games are played against other recreational leagues in our area
- Practice is typically once a week, coaches may choose to add optional additional cages or practices
- Team jerseys and socks are included in the registration fees
Pricing: Registration – $125.00
Team placement is not guaranteed, registration is first come first serve. We will make every attempt to place all girls onto a team; however the season is dependent upon having enough Pitchers, Catchers and Coaches.
Wait lists have been added for each division. Users must create an account prior to registering a participant.
Go to www.ucdelsol.com to register TODAY!
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