University City Community Association, July 13, 2016, at University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, 6 PM.
A G E N D A: (tentative)
6:00- Meeting called to order, Pledge of Allegiance
*moment of silence
6:05 – Special presentation to Station #35 Fire/Rescue and to Northern Division SDPD
6:10- Approval of agenda (vote)
Approval of June minutes (vote)
6:15- Legislative representatives
6:25- President’s Remarks:
1. Volunteer Recognition Event…July 31 schedule
2. National Night Out- August 3
3. August 14 UCCA “informal”
4. UCPG recommendation RE:Draft EIR
5. Imagine UC 2020/SPRC- July 28 vote
6. Candidate’s Forum Oct. 5- U.C. High
6:35- Membership- Hallie
6:40- Treasurer’s Report- Don
Neighborhood Watch-August 2nd/3rd-Barbara Gellman
Banners- Barbara Henshaw- summer schedule
Beautification- Merle Langston, (MarketPlace/Church medians)
7:00- Old/New Business
1. “Requests for funds”- Library, Summer Concerts (motions/vote)
2. Request for Funds Form-(motion/vote)
3. By-law amendment-separate sample handout-vote in Sept.
4. Newsletter editor’s salary increase-Barry (motion/vote)
5. Other…..
7:30- Adjournment…..Have a safe, fun summer.
Next regular meeting Sept.14th
*Thank you Darlene and Karen for refreshments this evening