UCCA issues tentative agenda for July 13 meeting


July 2016 UCCAUniversity City Community Association, July 13, 2016, at University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, 6 PM.

A G E N D A: (tentative)
6:00- Meeting called to order, Pledge of Allegiance
*moment of silence
6:05 – Special presentation to Station #35 Fire/Rescue and to Northern Division SDPD

6:10- Approval of agenda (vote)
Approval of June minutes (vote)
6:15- Legislative representatives

6:25- President’s Remarks:
1. Volunteer Recognition Event…July 31 schedule
2. National Night Out- August 3
3. August 14 UCCA “informal”
4. UCPG recommendation RE:Draft EIR
5. Imagine UC 2020/SPRC- July 28 vote
6. Candidate’s Forum Oct. 5- U.C. High

6:35- Membership- Hallie
6:40- Treasurer’s Report- Don

Neighborhood Watch-August 2nd/3rd-Barbara Gellman
Banners- Barbara Henshaw- summer schedule
Beautification- Merle Langston, (MarketPlace/Church medians)

7:00- Old/New Business
1. “Requests for funds”- Library, Summer Concerts (motions/vote)
2. Request for Funds Form-(motion/vote)
3. By-law amendment-separate sample handout-vote in Sept.
4. Newsletter editor’s salary increase-Barry (motion/vote)
5. Other…..
7:30- Adjournment…..Have a safe, fun summer.

Next regular meeting Sept.14th
*Thank you Darlene and Karen for refreshments this evening

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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️