Summer is here and what a great time to enjoy District 1! I’m really looking forward to attending this year’s UC Celebration on July 4th to give the proclamation and some commendations. It will be my last year attending this event as your Council representative, and I am looking forward to connecting with all of you.
Make sure you take advantage of the community events and programs taking place throughout the summer at the parks and recreation centers. More information on what to do around San Diego can be found on the City’s website. Visit at www.sandiego.gov/leisure to learn more.
After many weeks of hearings and revisions, I joined Mayor Faulconer and my colleagues to sign the unanimously approved City Budget for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1. The budget includes over $100 million for road repair and $4.7million for improved recruitment and retention for police officers and 911 dispatchers while recreation center hours have been expanded to be at the highest level in a decade.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer everyone! Please contact my office if you need any assistance with city related issues. Visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/staff/lightner
for information.