Courtesy of Barry Bernstein:
June is here and plans for summer events are underway! The plan to revitalize Standley Park (ImagineUC 2020) is moving forward with a scheduled vote on its approval at the Standley Park Recreation Council meeting on June 23.
Our community’s Fourth of July event, the Celebration, is once again going to be a special family event that you won’t want to miss. And don’t forget the entertaining summer weekend concerts at Standley Park in July/August. University City is the place to be!
Congratulations to our graduating seniors at UCHS; this was a great year for the Centurions. UCCA has been so pleased to help the high school with “Grad Nite” expenses, wonderful music and swimming programs, and supporting the school’s unique “Hall of Fame.”
June 7 is the official voting day in the California primary elections, although you may be among the many that have chosen to vote early via the mail-in ballot process. The city’s District 1 council election, (UC) will determine the top two candidate, with a general election in November.
UCCA, in conjunction with the San Diego League of Women Voters, will be hosting a candidate’s forum in early October at UCHS. There are several important City charter amendments on the ballot as well, so read carefully before casting your vote.
UCCA meeting summary: At our May UCCA meeting, along with a few candidates making introductory statements, (Dr. John Lee Evans, San Diego City Schools Board of Education candidate, Mark Powell, San Diego County Board of Education candidate, and Kyle Heiskala, District 1 City Council candidate), we were able to enjoy a current and comprehensive perspective of the changes taking place at UTC. Mr. John Alderson, Westfield vice-president of development, shared information on prospective new retailers and restaurants, plus indicating that a new residential tower, (22 stories), is being planned in the area north of Nobel where the B.F.Goodrich Tire store is currently located.
UCCA’s next meeting is Wednesday, June 8, 6 PM. Please join us at our community library branch on Governor Drive. Special guest speaker will be Colonel Jason Woodworth, the commanding officer at MCAS Miramar Marine Corps Air Station.
Look at the beautiful faces of our children this month on the San Diego County Fair Street banners throughout U.C.
A troubling incident occurred in University City on May 7. Police Lt. Adam Sharki responded to a report published by Rabbi Reiz on Nextdoor.com related to Chabad of UC. Rabbi Reiz reported that young children on the Chabad property were verbally threatened by some young men in a red pickup truck. The police and the Anti-defamation league were notified. Chabad congregants and interested community members in the met on May 17, to discuss long overdue improvements in building security, and most importantly, the need for a plan that will address issues of greater security risks. Those in attendance agreed it is necessary to be prepared in today’s world and that it will require further planning, training, and the understanding and commitment of their total congregation.
Thank you to our new members, we appreciate your support and interest in keeping University City, “more than just a neighborhood”.
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