Updated plans for Standley Park to be unveiled Thursday; community support needed


Courtesy of Greg Zinser, President, ImproveUC:

On Thursday, May 26, the Standley Park Recreation Center Council will meet at 7 PM to consider an amendment being proposed to the General Development Plan (GDP) for Standley Park on Governor Drive, University City. The amendment relates to the Imagine UC 2020 project as described in my most recent message to you in November of 2015. As I mentioned in that message, this project involves the rebuilding of Swanson Pool, an outdoor performance and education venue, a jogging/walking path around the perimeter of the property between Spreckels Elementary and Standley Middle School, and increasing green space adjacent to Spreckels.

Standley-Park-Master-Plan-Aerial-view-1024x662 (1)
(1) Site Plan: Click to View
Imagine UC 2020 Site Features_Page_1
(2) Site Features: Click to View
Standley Pool FAQ_Page_1
(3) Pool FAQs: Click to View
Project scope and funding_Page_1
(4) Project Scope and Funding: Click to View

While drawings of this project have been on display at various community events during the past year, there have been recent developments that impact the project. As you may know, the property between the Swanson Pool and the Recreation Center is owned by the City of San Diego, while the property on either side of that (including all of the ball fields) is owned by the San Diego Unified School District. All of the property is under a joint use agreement allowing both parties access to the facilities thereon.

However, it was recently brought to our attention that the property owned by the City is dedicated park land.

This means that School bond funds cannot be used for any type of improvement on the City owned property between the pool and the Recreation Center. This designation can only be removed by two-thirds vote of all voters in this district.

Therefore, all of the improvements that have been proposed by the District will now be built only on their property.

The outdoor performance and education venue (pavilion) is still part of the project, but the location has changed to the area adjacent to Standley Middle School, as shown on the attached (1) Site Plan and images (5) and (6). Also attached are examples of what each of the improvements might look like (2) Site Features, and a summary of (3) Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Swanson Pool expansion project component.

As outlined in the (4) Project Scope & Funding summary also attached, it is anticipated that the General Development Plan approvals will be completed by the end of this year and the design approval by Spring of next year. Next will be negotiation between the City and the School District of the joint use agreement for the new facilities, approval processes relating to the final plan documents, bidding out the construction work, and completion of construction, all of which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

However, the first step as mentioned above is approval of the GDP amendment, starting with the meeting scheduled for this Thursday. While completion may be several years in the future, community support is critical in getting the GDP amendment approved.

Please join us this Thursday to express that support at the Recreation Council meeting, and if you’re not able to make it, send me a message that I can relay to the Council at that meeting.

In the interim, please let me know of any questions, or if I can provide any additional information.

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⇒ For the most current information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/imagine-uc-2020-sdusd-school-facilities-project/

Editor’s note: Images of proposed site of Stage/Pavilion show that its new location will not interfere with the athletic fields. Image 5 shows the natural slope adjacent to Standley School; image 6 depicts players and spectators sitting at the edge of the field.

(5) Stage/pavilion new location

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(5) Stage/pavilion new location

(6) Stage/pavilion location
(6) Stage/pavilion new location

Meeting reminder: Standley Park, Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Dr, San Diego, CA 92122, Thursday, May 26, 7 PM, in the gymnasium.

To view related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/improveuc/


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