Courtesy of Congregation Beth Israel:
Beth Israel’s Men’s Club and the Beth Israel Social Action Committee are proud to jointly welcome several San Diego City Council District 1 candidates as our guest speakers at a joint May 18 Dinner Forum.
Candidates Barbara Bry, Ray Ellis, Kyle Heiskala, Bruce Lightner and Louis Rodolico have been invited to participate.
Hear the candidate’s views, plans and platforms. Early voting is now open; the primary election is June 7.
This program is open to the entire San Diego community both men and women.
A buffet dinner will be served. The dinner fee: $15 with an RSVP, $18 without an RSVP.
For more information and to register, visit https://cbisd.org/event/mens-club-dinner-forum-may-2016/
To view related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org//?s=Election
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