UCCA and Neighborhood Watch will host an information session on Thursday, May 19, 5:30-6:30 PM, Standley Recreation Center, to learn more about the Party House / Mini-dorm issues in south University City.
Tentative Agenda
Welcome – Diane Ahern & Barbara Gellman (5 minutes)
• Jean Hammerl, University City resident – scope of problem in south University City (10 minutes)
• Katie Dunahoo
, UC Realtor and resident – problem rentals and current Real Estate laws (10 minutes)
• Lt. Sharki and CRO Tafoya, SDPD – law enforcement’s role in enforcing current laws; CAPP (10 minutes)
• Kyle Heiskala, representative to UC for Council President Sherri S. Lightner – role of Code Enforcement; the legislative process in SD; current SD legislation; pending legislation (15 minutes)
Audience Q&A – Diane Ahern & Barbara Gellman (5 minutes)
Next Steps – Diane Ahern & Barbara Gellman (5 minutes)
If there is a problem property or party house on your street, you have several options:
1 – If you want to report a property that violates San Diego’s municipal codes related to noise, land development, building code, housing, weeds, signs and/or zoning, then file a Request for Investigation with Code Compliance at https://www.sandiego.gov/ced/report/investigation
2 – If you want to report a party house, then email the address of the problem house and the details; and include your contact information; to the police department at SDPDNorthern@pd.sandiego.gov. Put Party House Compliant or Noise Complaint or something similar in the subject line.
3 – Call the police non-emergency number 619-531-2000 to report a disruptive and/or noisy party in progress. All noise complaints are reviewed by the CAPP Coordinator.
4 – Call 9-1-1 to report a crime in progress, medical or fire emergency.
5 – Review UCSD resources for commuter students and those living off campus at https://students.ucsd.edu/
To learn more about SDPD’s CAPP (Community Assisted Party Program), visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2016/02/25/why-call-the-police-about-party-houses/
To view related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/neighborhood-watch/
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