Early Voting begins for June 7 election: Local Candidate Statements


San Diego County Registrar of Voters:

Voters interested in casting their ballots early for the June 7 Presidential Primary Election can now do so at the County Registrar of Voters office located at 5600 Overland Ave. in Kearny Mesa.

Ballots were mailed to those registered to vote by mail beginning on May 9, 2016.

In California, the deadline to register to vote for any election is 15 days before Election Day. The deadline to register to vote in the June 7 primary is May 23. For more information on how to vote in San Diego, visit http://www.sdvote.com/.

UCCA invited candidates in three local elections (the City Council District 1 election, the San Diego Unified School Board District A election, and the San Diego County Board of Education) to provide position statements. These statements, provided by the candidates, were first published in the May 2016 University City newsletter.

San Diego City Council District 1:

Barbara BryBARBARA BRY is a high tech entrepreneur who wants to ensure that our community is safe, clean and prosperous. Barbara’s University City priorities include: -A permanent public safety solution for ALL of UC. -Prioritizing the progress of two planned fire stations; ensuring they are fully staffed. -Monitoring trolley construction; exploring public transit options that will be viable after completion in 2021.  -Endorsements: San Diego City Firefighters, Sierra Club, and Dr. Irwin Jacobs.  www.barbarabry.com

Ray EllisRAY ELLIS spent the last decade as a volunteer with numerous non-profits focused on education, child abuse and the environment. Ray led the City Pension Board, at the request of former Mayor Jerry Sanders, and in doing so he helped guide the City out of a pension crisis that was draining money for roads, parks, police protection and other services. Ray is running for City Council to fix our roads, protect pension reform and create good-paying jobs. www.ellisforcouncil.com

Kyle HeiskalaKYLE HEISKALA first interned in the Council District 1 office in 2010. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to public service and improving the community. He obtained an Environmental Systems degree from UCSD in 2015 and currently serves as Council President Sherri Lightner’s representative to University City, the University Community Planning Group and the UCCA. Kyle’s priorities are: expanding housing, alternative transportation, public safety, and protecting the environment. www.kyleheiskala.com

Bruce LightnerBRUCE LIGHTNER: I’m an experienced business owner and community activist who fights for the neighborhoods of Council District 1.  My wife, Council President Sherri Lightner, and I are UCSD graduates who own a successful engineering business.  I’ve founded several tech startup companies that have created hundreds of great local jobs.  My priorities for University City are protecting Rose Canyon, building additional fire stations in South UC and on the UCSD campus, improving traffic safety, and preventing overdevelopment.  www.brucelightner.org

Louis RodolicaLOUIS RODOLICO: Get a handle on “Dark Projects”.  Get taxpayer input before project finalization. Build the Regents Road Bridge: If opponents of the bridge had the popular vote they would have put the bridge on the ballot decades ago. I am running to reduce; deaths, injuries and property damage. The only environmental crime is the additional 10 million pounds of carbon-dioxide pumped into the atmosphere yearly. Safety: Central Firehouse to improve UC travel times. www.louisrodolico.com

San Diego Unified School Board, District A:

John Lee EvansJOHN LEE EVANS, Ph.D. -Board member since 2008; -Psychologist and former teacher; -Principal architect of Vision 2020 for Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood; -Raised graduation standards AND lowered dropout rate; -Streamlined administration; -money to the classroom; -Improved student achievement: ranked top 4 urban districts nationally;  -Implemented high-tech classrooms; -Sponsored stringent ethics policy for board members; -Served as Board President or VP for 5 years. www.evansforschoolboard.com

San Diego County Board of Education:

Mark PowellMARK POWELL: UCCA member Mark Powell is a candidate for County Board of Education. A former teacher and vice-principal, Mark understands the demands of teaching. As a part-time university professor, Mark knows the educational challenges that affect our students. With experience in law enforcement as a former Reserve Police Officer, Mark believes keeping children safe is our first priority. Mark has a history of voluntary community service and will continue his full-time work as a Realtor. www.markpowellforboardofeducation.com

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DISCLAIMER: University City Community Association UCCA does not endorse or accept advertisements for political candidates.


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
