Courtesy of SDNews and SANDY LIPPE; excerpts:
When Debby Knight and Jemma Samala adopted University City as home in back-to-back years (1998 and 1999 respectively), they evolved into moms on a mission. Never did either woman set out to blaze their respective trails, but they jumped in with both feet where they saw a need.
On this Mother’s Day nearly 20 years later, UC residents should thank these two for sharing their talent, time and treasure in making UC more than a neighborhood, the theme on UC street banners.
Jemma Samala’s current project: The Taste of the Triangle food fair is on Friday, May 6, at UCSD Faculty Club from 7 to 10:30 p.m., with Jemma Samala as chair. Check out the website,
Debby Knight’s current project: A Friends of Rose Canyon spring bird walk is set for Saturday, May 7, from 8 until 10 a.m. for children ages 9 to 90-plus. Contact
Debby Knight (left), Friends of Rose Canyon executive director, accompanies two charges on a hike through the canyon, while Jemma Samala reflects on her 271 commitments in the interest of a better community. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
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