Courtesy of MCAS Miramar Community Plans & Liaison Office:
Those living, working and traveling near MCAS Miramar may see and hear an increase in military jets and aircraft flight departures and arrivals, both daytime and evening, during the following planned events (subject to change without notice):
- May 3 and May 4, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings – aircraft flight Field Carrier Landing Practice
- May 5 and 6, Thursday and Friday mid-days – aircraft flight Field Carrier Landing Practice
- May 7, Saturday – mid-day aircraft flight departures
- May 10, Tuesday through May 20, Friday, Unit Deployment Program (UDP) – large transport aircraft flights arriving and departing
- May 13 and May 15, Friday and Sunday afternoons and evenings – aircraft Reserve Unit Training
- May 26, Thursday through May 30, Monday – Airfield closed for Memorial Day weekend
- May 29, Sunday – Veterans Memorial Service 1 PM Miramar National Cemetery
- May 31, Tuesday through June 30, Thursday – Increased military jets and aircraft flight training operations
For more MCAS Miramar operations and contacts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/mcas-miramar-operations-information-and-contacts/
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