Sherri Lightner: May message to University City


Courtesy of Council President Sherri Lightner, District 1:

Sherri LightnerIt’s May and that means that the City’s budget process is underway. In mid- April, Mayor Faulconer released a proposed budget for the 2017 fiscal year.

When I first took office, the Council had to make difficult cuts to services and it is great to see how far we have come since then. I encourage anyone interested in participating in the process to attend the public Budget Review Committee meetings to provide feedback.

The meetings will take place May 4, 5, 9 and 10, at 9 AM and 2 PM,  on the 12th floor of the City Administration Building located at 202 C Street.

There will also be an evening meeting for members of the public unable to attend the morning and afternoon meetings on May 16 at 6 PM. The final budget will be voted on by City Council during the week of June 13. This is your opportunity to tell us what you would like to see the City’s resources allocated to.

Fast Response Squad 56 has been in operation for a little over three months now and already there has been a reduction in response times. I’m sure you are all welcoming the crew to the neighborhood with goodies, hopefully not too many!

Earlier in the year, our office received complaints about odors from the Miramar Landfill. The City’s Environmental Services Department has been working diligently to resolve the odor issues. If you experience any nuisance odors you believe may be connected to the landfill, please notify the Air Pollution Control District at 858.586.2650 or contact our office and we can forward your complaint on to the correct staff at the City.

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Visit the Council President Sherri Lightner (District 1) website for contact information and more

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