City of San Diego Transportation Engineers recently installed new signage at Regents Road and Governor Drive. It is called a “Blank Out no Turn On Red” sign that will be activated by pedestrians pushing the pedestrian crossing signal button.
This new digital sign replaces the previous signage that was in place.
When the no turn on red sign is illuminated, drivers are prohibited from turning right on red.
When the sign is not illuminated, a right turn on red is permitted after a complete stop and when safe to do so.
Source: Office of City Council President Sherri Lightner
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Note: UCCA will not take take a position on the amendment to the University Community Plan. UCCA acts as communication vehicle by identifying issues or concerns and providing a meeting place to discuss said issues or concerns. To review UCCA’s bylaws, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-about-us/
For more information from citizens’ advocate groups related to the Community Plan Amendment, see also:
- Citizens for the Regents Road Bridge at http://www.citizensfortheregentsroadbridge.org/
- Friends of Rose Canyon at http://www.rosecanyon.org/
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