Courtesy of George Odero, Celebration Chairperson:
Neighbors volunteering with neighbors, working together, to help make University City more than just a neighborhood.
University City and surrounding neighborhoods need your help to organize and manage this year’s 4th of July Celebration!
We need volunteers for many different parts the celebration – from volunteer coordination, to booth supervision, pet parade help, parking – the list goes on.
This month’s meeting is Tuesday, April 19, 6:30 PM.
Courtesy of George Odero, Celebration Chairperson,; RSVP appreciated.
Visit Standley Recreation Center at
Additional information: The Standley Park Recreation Council meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7 PM at Standley Recreation Center. Any adult who is interested in making an impact or has concerns about these neighborhood parks and recreation center, should attend the meetings.
Next Recreation Council
meeting is Thursday, April 28, 7 PM, at Standley Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive; 858-552-1652.
Were you there? Take a look at last year’s Celebration at