University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, University City, 92122
A G E N D A : (tentative)
6:00- Meeting called to order/pledge of allegiance
6:05- Welcome/introductions
6:05- Approval of February minutes, (vote)
6:10- Approval of agenda, (vote)
6:15- Police/Fire Rescue representatives
6:20- Legislative/city gov’t/library representatives
6:25- Membership Report- Diane (for Hallie)
6:30- OPEN FORUM- Speakers limited to 5 minutes
1. “Voices of Children”- Jennifer Morrissy
2. “Live Well San Diego” regional coordinator- Roberto Ramirez
3. C.E.R.T.- (Community Emergency Response Team) -Mike Lawson
4. Marcy Park Improvement committee- Ruth DeSantis
5. Regents Rd Bridge newsletter article- Louis Rodolico
6. Other…
6:55- President’s comments:
UCPG election results,”Imagine UC 2020 update, City Council
Candidate’s Forum, Vice-pres. Diane Ahern to chair April meeting….
7:10- Treasurer’s Report- Don
7:20- S.D. County grant applications- Diane
7:30- Beautification- Medians- Merle/ Banners- Barbara
7:35- Other Committee Reports
7:45- Old/New Business- Grad Nite, UCCC, other…
7:50- Adjournment…Next meeting, Wednesday, April 13th.
*Don’t forget to set clocks forward this coming weekend…and UCCA’s
wishes you a Happy Easter !
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