Courtesy of Diane Ahern, MCAS Miramar Community Leaders Forum:
At the January Community Leaders Forum aboard MCAS Miramar, the Miramar Operations Officer made several announcements regarding upcoming aircraft activity in and around MCAS Miramar. Changes in flight procedures may be noticeable to residents who live or work near the Air Station.
– Tuesday, February 16 until Thursday, September 1: Single runway operation. From February 16 until September 1, Runway 24L, the shorter runway to the south, will be closed for repairs and repaving. All takeoffs and landings during this time will use Runway 24R, the longer runway to the north.
– Friday, February 19 and Sunday, February 21: Evening flights scheduled to 10:30 PM. A Reserve unit will be at Miramar over the weekend for training.
– Wednesday, September 21 to Monday, September 26: 2016 Air Show Activity. Arrival day Wednesday, September 21; practice day Thursday, September 22; show days Friday to Sunday, September 23 to 25; departure day Monday, September 26. Visit http://miramarairshow.com for details.
Residents may notice changes in flight procedures and potentially more noise during these times.
For more information about Miramar Operations, including heightened security measures, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/mcas-miramar-operations-information-and-contacts/
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