Chairs were hard to come by at the February 10th meeting at the Library on Governor.
Special guests included District One City Council candidates Barbara Bry and Ray Ellis; Northern Division’s Officer Holly Tafoya and CAPP Coordinator Robert Harvey; Fire Battalion Chief Craig Newell; District One representative Kyle Heiskala; SD County’s Live Well Liaison Roberto Ramirez (pictured); Library Manager Melissa Martin; area resident Janis Deady; and local artist Julie Dennis who will soon begin a transformer art project on Governor near the library.
UCCA is in the process of applying for a grant from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to purchase light pole street banners, replacing existing damaged, older banners with a new look and welcoming message. Additional grant money would be earmarked to add artwork to unpainted transformer boxes along Governor Drive.
UCCA is also applying to the County to be recognized as a Live Well San Diego partner. As Roberto Ramirez explained it, the County’s Live Well vision is for safe, healthy and thriving communities where residents feel protected from crime and violence; neighborhoods are safe to work, live and play; and communities are resilient to disasters and emergencies. More information about Live Well San Diego can be found at www.LiveWellSD.org
February meeting minutes will be published after board approval.
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