Courtesy of Dan Monroe, Senior Planner, University Community Plan Transportation Element Amendment:
The University Community Plan (UCP) is undergoing an amendment to the Transportation Element of the Plan. The Amendment will analyze and update the transportation facilities necessary to serve existing and future development in the University Community Plan Area.
The Amendment will incorporate the General Plan Goals into the community plan as they relate to the vision, values and the City of Villages strategy and the provision of public facilities, analyze the impacts of the removal of Genesee Avenue Widening and the Regents Road Bridge for the UCP, and consider any additional issues identified through the amendment process. The Amendment was initiated by City Council on September 29, 2014.
From Appendix Page 134From Appendix Page 133Appendices – all 853 pagesExisting Conditions – all 120 pages
The University Community Plan Existing Conditions Report [Traffic Study] is now available. [Click or tap cover image to view document.] The purpose of the Community Plan Existing Conditions Mobility Report is to summarize the existing conditions within the community for all modes of transportation and to identify potential deficiencies and conflicts that could be addressed through future changes in the transportation network. The existing conditions report is a critical building block in the preparation of the land use plan and future mobility network.
Key purposes of the existing conditions report include:
Summarizing traffic volume and accident data collected,
Describing the analysis methods and techniques,
Evaluating existing mobility conditions,
Establishing a baseline condition for the environmental documents, and
Educating the stakeholders and plan prepares of current conditions.
UCCA will not take take a position on the amendment to the University Community Plan. UCCA acts as communication vehicle by identifying issues or concerns and providing a meeting place to discuss said issues or concerns. To review UCCA’s bylaws, visit
For more information from citizens’ advocate groups related to the Community Plan Amendment, see also:
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