UCCA welcomes Fast Response Squad 56
UCCA members and neighbors welcomed Fire-Rescue Fast Response Squad 56 to University City at its January meeting. Their new home is on Governor Drive, west of Regents Road. Staffing for Squad 56 consists of a two person crew: a fire captain and a firefighter/paramedic. They will work a 12 hour shift from 8 AM to 8 PM.
Chief Newell explained that the new location will result in faster response times to calls in south University City. The Squad carries a full complement of medical supplies as well as some fire suppression equipment capable of handling small fires.
Chief Ricci explained that 85% of all calls to fire-rescue are medical in nature. In south University City, Squad 56 is dispatched from the 9-1-1 call center. Anyone with a police, medical or fire-rescue emergency should call 9-1-1. The dispatcher will send the appropriate units based on the reported emergency. If Squad 56 is dispatched, it will be joined by a fire engine from a nearby station.
Some questioned the necessity of sending both Squad 56 and a fire engine; doing so results in four to six or possibly more fire-rescue personnel responding to a medical call. Chief Ricci explained that a paramedic is assigned to each fire truck. And, that in a CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) situation such as during sudden cardiac arrest, four to six people are needed. Two staff would be doing CPR, while others could be administering medicine or starting IV (intravenous) fluids, or arranging for transport, for instance.
UCCA also welcomes Police Lieutenant Adam Sharki
This is Lt. Sharki’s second assignment at Northern Division. He previously worked in investigations and the beach communities. Most recently, he was assigned to Northwestern Division. He is looking forward to working with all of the communities of Northern Division. Lt. Sharki announced that Northern has recently hired additional officers and a new class of officers is currently attending the police academy.
Lt. Sharki was questioned about a recent accident in front of University City High School. Lt. Sharki said that increased traffic enforcement in that area, especially as it relates to illegal left turns out of the high school, is in place. However, on the day of the accident, the officer working enforcement was called away before the accident happened.
Community Relations Officer Holly Tafoya spoke of the ‘garage burglary’ series that’s affecting south University City. Thieves are breaking into cars parked on the street and opening the garage door with the opener found in the car; then opening the garage just enough to get in. Once they have access to the garage, they are stealing items from the garage and home.
Officer Tafoya also reminded the audience that Northern Division officers are participating in an Indoor Triathlon on Saturday, January 23 at the Jewish Community Center on 4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla, California 92037. The triathlon is a fundraiser for STAR/PAL youth programs & the SDPOA Law Enforcement Memorial Fund. In the past, Northern Division has raised more money than any other division. Officer Tafoya explained that those who want to make a donation can mail a check to SDPD Northern Division, C/O Officer Larry Hesselgesser, 4275 Eastgate Mall, San Diego CA 92037. Make the check out to Star Pal with Tri-N-Harder for Kids on the memo line.
Post by Diane Ahern on behalf of UCCA. UCCA approved a donation of $150 to Star Pal. To view related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/university-city-news-ucca/
Photo caption: from left to right, Fire-Rescue Captain P. Denliger, Firefighter/Paramedic J. Wolf, Deputy Chief Steve Ricci and Battalion Chief Craig Newell; and Police Lieutenant Adam Sharki and Community Relations Officer Holly Tafoya
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