From 10News Digital Team: City of San Diego residents can obtain free sandbags from any fire station.
Free sandbags are also available at lifeguard stations in Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla Shores and Pacific Beach. There is a limit of 10 sandbags per household or business.
For other free sandbag locations within San Diego County, visit
From City of San Diego via Nextdoor: Councilmember Sherman’s office has teamed with District 7 business Superior Ready Mix, and the Urban Corp. to provide free sand and sandbags for San Diego residents to help protect their properties.
Pick these up on Thursday, January 7 beginning at 10 a.m. at Qualcomm Stadium (Southwest Corner under the trolley tracks. Address: 9449 Friars Road. San Diego, CA 92108). When sandbags run out, they run out. Its advised to get there early.
If you aren’t able to make it on 1/7 to Qualcomm, please head to your local Fire Station (and/or lifeguard stations in Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla Shores and Pacific Beach) to get free sandbags. As part of a public service, our Fire-Rescue Department provides residents with 10 sandbags per household; sand not included.
Visit the City’s website http://www.sandiego.gov/fire/ for wet weather resources.
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