One hundred signs and counting


12/21/2015 correction: Barbara Gellman has installed 178 Neighborhood Watch signs* since 2012!

Barbara Gellman Rob MoscatoThat’s UC’s Rob Moscato installing a Neighborhood Watch sign on Fried Avenue with Barbara Gellman’s assistance. Photo courtesy of Sandy Lippe. 

As University City’s Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Barbara is working diligently to establish Neighborhood Watch groups on all streets in University City.

Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) to reduce crime, solve problems, and improve the quality of life in your area.

You will get to know your neighbors, and learn how to recognize and report crimes and suspicious activities, protect yourself, your family, and your property, protect your neighbor’s family and property, and identify crime and disorder problems in your area and work with SDPD personnel to solve them.

There are already over 80 active Neighborhood Watch groups and Block Captains in south UC; and 178 Neighborhood Watch signs*. For resources and tips on creating a successful Neighborhood Watch group, visit

If you don’t see one of these signs on your street, please contact Barbara at

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