Council President Sherri Lightner:
The winter holiday season is upon us! I am looking forward to all of the fun holiday events that will be taking place around University City, such as the annual tree and menorah lighting at Standley Recreation Center.
I am feeling bittersweet as 2015 comes to a close; it was a productive year at City Hall, and I am confident that my last year as your Council member will be the most productive yet. The City’s Climate Action Plan is anticipated to be heard at both the Environment Committee and the City Council before the end of the year. Please check the City Council Environment Committee webpage and the City Council Docket for updates.
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping meeting for the University Community Plan Amendment has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 16, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Nobel Recreation Center at 8810 Judicial Drive. This is the public’s opportunity to give feedback to staff as to what they would like to see included in the EIR, which will include updates to the transportation section of the University Community Plan.
Additionally, the City is moving forward with building a new fire station in the area. Fire Station 50 is nearing design completion and is planned to be located at the intersection of Nobel Drive and Shoreline Drive. Once approved and finished, the firefighters at this station will provide valuable emergency response services in the dense University City area, which is currently in need of three additional fire stations.
Thank you again for all your support. My staff and I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and a prosperous new year!
Contact Sherri Lightner and staff at http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/