Barry Bernstein: ImproveUC, EIR Scoping Meeting, December updates and more


From UCCA President Barry Bernstein:

Barry BernsteinHappy Holidays. It’s December and University City families are preparing for their Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa celebrations. UCCA is sponsoring the “Tree/Menorah Lighting” event at Standley Park on Friday, December 11 beginning at 6:30 PM. Please join us and enjoy the entertainment and refreshments and a visit with Santa. Enjoy Dinner with Santa, sponsored by the Recreation Center, at 5 PM.

I want to thank those of you who attended our UCCA November 18 Election meeting and supported my re-election as president. I look forward to serving our community in 2016. Other elected members who will be serving our community as UCCA officers for 2016 are: Diane Ahern, Vice President; Karen Martinez, Secretary; and Don Hotz, Treasurer.

Toni Atkins, CA Assembly majority speaker, provided our November meeting audience with a full report of the legislative accomplishments this past year, along with specific budget priorities related to education and health. Speaker Atkins is planning on attending the Paris, France international symposium on “climate change” in December.

The Costa Verde Revitalization Open House in November was very well attended. We were very pleased that their planners took time to make a presentation to our audience at our UCCA meeting and provide us an opportunity to react to their vision of how an improved Costa Verde can enhance our community.

1) “Imagine UC 2020” is moving forward now that the necessary funds have been secured and the City planning departments and San Diego Unified have scheduled meetings to work out final details of the “joint land-use” agreement. For the latest information, visit the Imagine UC 2020 project page at
2) The City’s initial E.I.R. (Environmental Impact Report), affecting all University City issues related to traffic concerns now and in the future, will be discussed at a public meeting on Wednesday, December 16, 6:00 PM at the Nobel Recreation Center. This is expected to be well attended so plan to arrive early.

UCCA and UCPG do not have scheduled meetings in December. UCCA’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 6:00 PM at our community branch library on Governor Drive. Please join us on the 13th and join UCCA in making 2016 a very special year for our community.

On behalf of the University City Community Association Board, I want to thank you for your support this year and wish you and yours a very wonderful holiday season…Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a very Happy New Year!

Staying healthy and safe is an important consideration for all of us, and in particular to those who make “resolutions” for the 2016 New Year. Maybe, just as a thought, make at least one resolution to volunteer through your church, synagogue, or other agency to help others in need. Remember, “We’re more than just a neighborhood”.

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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️