Nancy Groves: UCPG November meeting summary


THE U.C. PLANNING GROUP REPORT for Tuesday, November 10, 2015, Nancy Groves, UCPG Rep District 1

University Community Planning GroupUCPG Chair, Janay Kruger summarized problems ongoing: trucks in median on Regents & Arriba, water rate hike, Rose Canyon soil study, LOSSAN (train) issues, Climate Action Plan.

Kyle Heiskala reported for City Council chair, Lightner on the upcoming vote by the council on the Climate Action Plan, the water rate increase, and the code violation issued on Regents Rd near 52. The council passed a resolution for no Guantanamo prisoners at Miramar brig; this was confirmed in the Miramar report.

UCSD gave a brief report on campus plans and distributed a written report with more detail.

SANDAG rep gave an update on the mid-coast trolley that is being coordinated with the LOSSAN double track train project and the plans to re-vegetate the area and provide drainage. The trolley construction should start in June 2016. The LOSSAN train project will continue night work through spring.

County Supervisor Roberts’ office announced no new cases of West Nile disease but if you find dead birds or animals, call county vector control.

Senator Block’s office announced agenda items for next year: Open Enrollment Covered CA and adding a “Veterans” designation on drivers licenses for ease in identifying one’s self for veterans benefits.

Congressman Peters’ office announced a two- year budget agreement indexed to GDP and that HUD 2016 funds for the homeless have been allocated.

Dan Monroe, Planning Dept. rep reported on the UC Community Plan Amendment Update on transportation: the deletion of the Regents Road bridge and the widening of Genesee. The notice of preparation for the EIR will be Dec. 2 (with a 30 day comment period) in which will be listed what is to be analyzed for pedestrians, bikes, and cars; the scoping meeting will be on Dec. 16, 6PM at the Nobel Rec. Center.

During the public comment one speaker asked for an update on the noise behind Sprouts Market on Governor Dr. Lightner’s office is in the process of following up on this and on the right on red on Regents Rd. to Governor.

The spokesman for the Regency on the renovation of Costa Verde center reminded everyone to come and see the plans and give input on Nov. 12.

SANDAG/MTS returned for comment on the trolley signage. Summary of the suggested changes: call it the mid-coast instead of blue line, keep cars red, delete the advertising on the bridge over the freeway analogous to forbidden billboards, Voigt station sign should state— “Health Centers: Scripps/Zimed and UCSD/Thornton.” Clearly ID the stations with classy destination signs, not advertising. There was much discussion on the way the advertising was sold to UC Health with no open bids.

The Regents Road widening project between Executive Drive and Genesee was revisited with an explanation of increased cost and need for $500K in additional funds. There was much discussion of this project that the city wishes to begin before the new stricter storm water restrictions begin in 2016. Most of the area appears to be in the Rose Canyon Watershed; the city presenter stated that the water would run into a swale on city owned land that is now occupied by part of the La Jolla Country Day School parking lot. A modified motion was passed to approve the project as presented with the condition that the City pursue and identify restoration at Gilman and Rose Creeks up to $100K.

An information item on the Rose Canyon trunk sewer line was presented. The project’s design and construction will repair about 4.5 miles of deteriorated sewer pipeline, providing temporary sewer bypass pipelines and a temporary bypass pump station. The concrete pipes are being lined with plastic liner to repair the disintegrating joints. The project is designed to be a long-term solution. There will be parallel lines in Rose Canyon; pedestrians and bicycles will be able to use the area and re-vegetation is planned after construction. The design should be completed by Fall 2016 with work starting summer 2017.

The Aventine Sporting Club is closing and the new owner wishes to convert 32,000 sf from sporting club to office or medical office space. This is a process 1 and did not require the UCPG vote.

No meeting in December and next meeting is January 12, 2016.

Disclaimer: I am not the secretary or minute taker; I am only providing a summary for neighbors.

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