Information courtesy of Council President Sherri Lightner, from her September 2015 SpotLight e-Newsletter
As winter storms approach, please consider these tips on preparation for your home or business to help prevent flooding and storm water pollution:
Yard/Patio: Inspect area for dead trees or limbs, debris, furniture, or other objects. Tidying up and storing/securing furniture can prevent loss/damage during high wind.
Drains/Gutters: Clear gutters and drains of debris. If you do not have them, consider installing them. Storm water runoff should be directed into a collection system.
Roofs: Inspect the roof for loose tiles and holes.
Retaining Walls: Inspect retaining walls, drains, culverts, ditches, etc.
Slopes: Inspect slopes for gullying, cracks, slumping etc., which might indicate slope movement.
Bare Ground: Reduce large bare areas that could create mudflows during a storm. Use mulch and establish plants to help prevent flows.
Storm Drains: Inspect storm drains. If obstructed, clear material from the drain or call the Storm Water Hotline at 619-235-1000.
Follow-up and Other Concerns: Consider sandbags and sheeting. Sandbags can be stacked to keep water from flooding low areas. Plastic sheeting can be placed on slopes and secured with sand bags to prevent erosion.
For more information, please visit: http:// www.coastal.ca.gov/elnino/. Sherri Lightner’s newsletter is available at http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/newsevents/enewsletter/.
Winter forecast map from http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2015/101515-noaa-strong-el-nino-sets-the-stage-for-2015-2016-winter-weather.html
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