I Am Woman: World Stroke Day Event at Scripps


Courtesy of Amber J. Ter-Vrugt, Director, Community Relations, Scripps Health, Ter-Vrugt.Amber@scrippshealth.org

F A S T spot a strokeScripps Health is celebrating World Stroke Day on Monday, November 16, by presenting I Am Woman: World Stroke Day Event at Scripps.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from a stroke. Learn about the stroke risks specific to women.

Scripps neurologist Mary Kalafut, MD, and a panel of experts, will be speaking at our La Jolla campus about stroke risks specific to women, stroke prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Please feel free to share this information with any of your contacts that you feel would be interested. We will be serving light refreshments.

I Am Woman: World Stroke Day Event
Monday, November 16, 2015, Noon – 1 PM
Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Schaetzel Center, Noble Room
9888 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037

To learn more about this and other classes and events at Scripps La Jolla, visit https://www.scripps.org/locations/hospitals__scripps-memorial-hospital-la-jolla/events.

Note: Scripps Health is a major sponsor of the University City Summer Concert Series at Standley Park.

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