Submitted by Sandy Lippe:
Some U.C. residents received letters from Vector Control Program about West Nile Virus identified in our neighborhood. No need to panic, but we should be informed.
About one in 150 people infected with WNV develop serious symptoms, such as meningitis, encephalitis, or myelitis. I recently met a La Jolla woman whose husband has WNV with very serious symptoms. I also visited Canyonside Park in Penasquitos, where mosquitoes were swarming near the softball fields.
The big push is to remove standing water on our property and in our parks. If you see a mosquito breeding source, call Vector Control at 858-694-2888.
To learn more about West Nile Disease in San Diego, visit You’ll find information about the number and location of West Nile Disease activity; and helpful links for reporting dead birds, green pools, and mosquito activity.
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