From UC Congressman Scott Peters (CA- District 52), message to University City for November 2015:
In the wake of four shootings on college campuses in September and early October, I joined former Mayor and Police Chief of San Diego Jerry Sanders, a large group of local mothers, and others from the San Diego County chapter of the Brady Campaign to call on Congress to take action and pass universal background checks.
Children should not have to fear that a crazy person with a gun is going to walk into their school and shoot them. Parents shouldn’t fear that when they send their kids off to college, they will never come home again. It’s time for Congress to act.
Lawmakers have a responsibility to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, domestic abusers, and criminals in part by making the background check system more robust, ending the gun show loophole, and having checks cover internet sales.
That is why I am a co-sponsor of the bipartisan King-Thompson background check legislation (H.R. 1217) and a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force in the U.S. House of Representatives. I have heard from so many who are frustrated and angry about Congressional inaction on common-sense efforts to stop mass gun violence. I share that anger, and I will continue to call on Congressional leaders to take action to end the epidemic of gun violence across the country.
Contact Congressman Peters at https://scottpeters.house.gov/contact.
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