January 1, 2016 update: The next CERT community meeting is Tuesday, January 5, 6:30 PM, at the UC library on Governor. Visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/local-events/ for more information.
From Mike and Doris Lawson:
CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) Meeting
Tue, Nov 3, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
4155 Governor Dr, San Diego, CA 92122 (UC Library on Governor)We are trying to regenerate the CERT program in and around University City. We would like any current or past CERT members, neighbors, friends and anyone interested in helping your neighbors in a state of emergency as was done during the San Diego fires.
Download CERT Flyer Publication v6
Note: Mike and Doris Lawson have been involved in CERT since 2010. In San Diego, CERT was activated by the SDFD after the 2007 fires. Their tag line is ‘Firefighters and Citizens Working Together to Build Safer Communities’.
Mike says he has invited a Fire Dept rep to come to the Tuesday, Nov 3, meeting but SDFD has yet to confirm. To contact Mike, email him at mike@mikerlawson.com.
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