Spreckels students prepare for earthquake in ‘Great Shakeout’ drill


From Fox 5 San Diego Students prepare for earthquake in ‘Great Shakeout’ drill:

imageThe Great California Shakeout was held Thursday morning across the country with millions of people participating.

Drop, cover and hold on was the message everyone heard, including fourth and fifth graders at Spreckels Elementary School in University City.

The sound of the alarm sent all students ducking and looking for cover. They were preparing for an earthquake and how fast to react in a real emergency.

For the complete story and video, visit http://fox5sandiego.com/2015/10/15/students-prepare-for-earthquake-in-great-shakeout-drill/

To prepare for disaster, visit Ready San Diego http://readysandiego.org/make-a-plan/.

See also, from SD County News: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2015/10/18/spreckels-kids-learn-how-to-drop-cover-and-hold-on/
From SD Union Tribune: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2015/10/18/spreckels-participates-in-great-california-shakeout/

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