IMAGINE UC 2020: Update provided by UCCA President Barry Bernstein:
Plans for the Standley Park improvement project, “Imagine UC 2020” are moving forward as reported by committee members. With the approved San Diego Unified’s bond funding, and the endorsement of the Standley Park Rec Council, the focus now turns to the City of San Diego. Meetings between San Diego Unified and San Diego City officials will be taking place to discuss and develop a “joint land use” agreement.
In the meantime, underground electrical service to the planned Pavilion will be part of the Standley Park Marquis project, which is fully funded and expected to be completed by the end of this year.
⇒ For the most current information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/imagine-uc-2020-sdusd-school-facilities-project/
*Please stop by our information/display table at the October 10 Oktoberfest.
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