Fundraiser for UC Del Sol Girls Fast Pitch Softball League at Chipotle


From UC Del Sol Girls Fastpitch Softball (UCDS):

UC Del Sol fundraiser ChipotleShow your spirit by joining the team for a fundraiser to support UC Del Sol Softball.

Come in to the Chipotle at 7081 Clairmont Mesa Blvd in San Diego on Friday, September 25, between 4 and 8 PM.

Bring in a flyer (found on their Facebook ‘UC Del Sol Girls Fastpitch Softball’ page), show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you are supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to UC Del Sol Softball.

Note: UC Del Sol (UCDS) is a volunteer run non-profit organization. UCDS is an ASA affiliated fastpitch softball league. The mission of UCDS is to provide a positive and safe environment and to participate in friendly competition, develop athletic skills and build self-esteem while learning to play the game of fastpitch softball.

UCDS is dedicated to the principles of teamwork, sportsmanship, friendship, leadership, and citizenship. Managers, coaches, players and parents will strive to live by these principles both on and off the field. We have been developing outstanding community leaders for over 40 years. Our age divisions range from age 5 (T-Ball) to 14. Visit their Facebook page ‘UC Del Sol Girls Fastpitch Softball’ for more information.

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