Effective September, the revised Story Time schedule is as follows:
- Babies & Books, Mondays at 9:45 AM (begins 9/14). This lap sit Storytime will introduce a love for books by using song, movement, rhythm, and rhyme.
- Preschool Story Time, Thursdays at 10:30 AM. This Storytime program engages young children with short stories, finger plays, action rhymes, and songs.
- Fun with French, Thursdays at 11:15 AM. Explore the French language through song in this bilingual program.
- Russian Story Time, September 10 & 24 at 9:45 AM. Stories and Songs in the Russian language.
For more information and complete program schedule, contact North University City Library, 8820 Judicial Drive, San Diego, 858-581-9637, sandiego.gov/public-library.
Source: Michelle Ruiz, Branch Manager, North University Community Library
Notes: Many thanks to the Friends of the Library for their generous sponsorship. You, too, can be a Friend; ask at the Check Out Desk. Please call the library to confirm any given program. Changes are rare, but may occur. Libraries will be CLOSED Monday, September 7, 2015 – Labor Day.
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