Barbara Gellman: Another big night as UC Neighborhood Watch and our Police and Fire Departments partner with EdUCate! at Food Truck Family Night, Wednesday, August 5, at Spreckels Elementary, Governor at Stadium. A good time was had by all. A special thank you goes to Community Liaison Officer Holly Tafoya for coordinating with SDPD officers, RSVP, SDFD fire/rescue personnel, and Council President Sherri Lightner. Take a look at our slide shows; photos by Greg Hom and Sandy Lippe. Hope to see you next year! https://www.universitycitynews.org/2015-national-night-out-at-the-food-trucks/
Weekly Food Truck Family Night is sponsored by EdUCate!. For the current schedule, visit https://www.uc-educate.org/.
Did you take photos at your Neighborhood Watch Party? Share them through UCCA’s Contact Us link https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/
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