On Wednesday, August 5, UC Neighborhood Watch is partnering with Northern Division’s Community Liaison Officer Holly Tafoya
and Fire/Rescue Station 35 to join the fun at Food Truck Family Night* at Spreckels Elementary, Governor at Stadium, from 5:30-6:30 PM. Meet, greet and thank some of San Diego’s finest.
Bring the kids, bring the whole family! Get your meals from our wheels.
- Meet Northern Division Officers, Engine 35 Firefighters, RSVP Volunteers, and Council President Sherri Lightner.
- Check out some of the newest police vehicles and equipment.
- Fire/rescue truck and more!
- Share crime and safety tips with our first responders and other neighbors.
- Bring your own chairs and/or blankets if you’d like to eat on site.
- Giveaways include reflective bracelets (great for early morning and evening walkers) to the first 200 visitors to the Neighborhood Watch table.
- Free community contacts directory for all adults.
Contact UC Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Barbara Gellman at bggellman@yahoo.com or 858-452-2326 if you have any questions.
* A percentage of your food truck purchases are directed back into UC public schools through EdUCate! to help pay for extra supplies and programs that are not in their yearly budget. Weekly Food Truck Family Night is sponsored by EdUCate!. For the current schedule, visit https://www.uc-educate.org/.
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- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
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- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
- UCCA – https://www.universitycitynews.org/
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