There has been an increase in auto break ins, thefts and home break in attempts in the past 2 weeks. Everyone, please, lock side gates, doors, windows and make sure you have bright LED lights on outside your home. Also, if you haven’t already signed on to Nextdoor, do so today. Neighbors have been sharing information about break-ins and attempts that have occurred recently.
Here’s a message I received from a neighbor who experienced an attempted break-in, August 1, 1:30 AM:
“I live on Nansen Ave., there was an attempted entry into our house at 1:30 am this morning.
Either one or two people were involved and used bright flashlights to look into the house although the blinds were drawn. (Fortunately, only a couple of very high, narrow windows were open.) The person(s) also tried to access the house through a back sliding door that was locked. We called 911 and their dispatch stayed on the phone with me until officers arrived, which was within a matter of minutes. The police also used a helicopter to see if the person(s) vacated the back and side yards since we were not sure if they had left.
The experience was terrifying in particular because they were so brazen, making no attempt to be quiet while entering the yard on our crushed stone walkway, and then using such bright lights to peer into the house. Officer Crawford and his backup were very responsive, professional, and helpful, reassuring us that they would increase patrol especially during the late night/early morning hours.”
And now, for same safety tips, courtesy of Neighborhood Watch:
- LOCK windows and doors; do not leave valuables in view.
- IF YOU ARE HOME AT NIGHT, keep your phone and key fob next to you. Call the police, turn on a light, hit the car’s panic button to scare the bad guys away.
- STRANGE NOISES? If you hear unusual noises in the night or if your dog alerts you or you see strangers trying to open car doors or any other suspicious activity, day or night, PLEASE CALL THE POLICE 911 AS IT IS HAPPENING!
- CRIME VICTIM? If you are reporting a crime that already occurred, call 619-531-2000 to report the crime.
- GUN OWNER? Please do not advertise the fact that you own weapons. Many times bad guys are targeting homes specifically with the intent to steal guns.
Please log into your Nextdoor account https://nextdoor.com/sandiego/ for more info from neighbors; or enter your address into http://www.crimemapping.com/. If you’re not using Nextdoor, now would be a good time to sign up. The police regularly send out alerts and neighbors routinely share information, not just crime alerts, but also info on events, garage sales, give-aways, and more. Here’s a link to a two page document with helpful phone numbers; and an instruction sheet for configuring your Nextdoor account https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/NW-2015-SDPD-NW-and-Nextdoor-contact-info-Aug-2015-NW.pdf.
PLEASE SHARE WITH OTHER NEIGHBORS WHO ARE NOT PART OF NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH; and visit our Neighborhood Watch page https://www.universitycitynews.org/neighborhood-watch/ to learn how to form a group on your street. For more information, email bggellman@yahoo.com.
Source: Barbara Gellman, UC’s Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
PS: Community Liaison Officer Holly Tofoya, Lt. Tina Williams and Cpt. Mark Hanten will be at Food Truck Family Night, Wednesday, August 5, 5:30-6:30 PM, in front of Spreckels Elementary School, Governor at Stadium. For more info, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2015/07/30/lightner-fire-and-police-join-food-truck-family-night-august-5/.
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