Watch out, our Class of 2015 high school students are enjoying their last summer before starting life in the “real world.” Whether starting college in the fall, or starting new jobs, or traveling for a year, our young adults have begun new chapters in their lives. It may be scary, but I know they will all do just fine – and they’re a close-knit group who will look out for each other.
It’s a reflection of the community really. Many of them have known each other since pre-school. Plus UC was ranked no. 3 in a study conducted by the city to identify the best neighborhoods for families with small school-age children. (See article by Jack Crittenden on ourcitysd.com, posted 12/30/14.)
Do you have a child ready for pre-school? Well, there are excellent pre-schools to choose from in UC. They include:
- All Saints’ Preschool, allsaintspreschool.org
- Lighthouse Early Childhood Center, lighthouseecc.com
- Mission Bay Montessori Academy, mbmacademy.com
- UC Kindercare, kindercare.com
- UC United Church Preschool, ucucpreschool.com
When my older son was busily taking pictures after the UCHS graduation ceremonies, it was heartwarming that some of those were with friends he knew since his pre-school days at the Lighthouse and kindergarten friends from Spreckels.
And speaking of Spreckels, we say good-bye to Dr. Cecilia Fernandez who had recently began there as principal when my son started, and hello to new principal Michel Cazary. We will miss Dr. Fernandez, but we’re sure she will enjoy her retirement. We also say good-bye to Curie Principal Chris Juarez, who started about the same time. He leaves to take on a position closer to his home and young growing family. We wish him well too, and welcome new Principal Cara Ramsay.
But, oh yes – it’s summer, woohoo! I hope it takes it time. It’s already been busy, with groups planning for the start of the new school year. BTW, save the date for UC’s Oktoberfest 2015 hosted by EdUCate! – Saturday, October 10 at Standley Park. (More info in the September UCCA print newsletter.)
I hope to see you at some of the Summer Concerts, and the Food Trucks Nights (sponsored by https://www.uc-educate.org/) that will continue all summer, Wednesdays from 5 to 7 PM. Bring your picnic chairs, and blankets and enjoy the lovely community events that make UC a great place to raise a family.
Contact information for University City area schools is available on UCCA’s https://www.universitycitynews.org/local-information/uc-schools/ school contacts page.
Note: UCCA thanks editor Jemma Samala for all she does for University City and UCCA. If you have a story to share for possible publication on UCCA’s newsfeed or print newsletter, please use the Contact Us link https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/ to upload your story and photo.
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- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
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- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
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