UCCA maintains a newsfeed at https://www.universitycitynews.org, a Facebook and Twitter site, and publishes and distributes a monthly newsletter (excludes August and January) for households and businesses in the south University City community.
You are welcome to write and submit items
that pertain to the University City community and residents. Articles should be 250 words or less, text only. Photos must be high resolution JPEG format. Include your complete name, address, phone, website and email; and send to the UC newsletter editor at UccaEditor@gmail.com; or use the the Contact Us link https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/.
The deadline is usually the 15th of the current month for publication in the print newsletter the following month. The print newsletter can fill up before the deadline, so submit early. UCCA members will be given preference when space is limited.
Submitted items may be published online and/or in the print version of the newsletter. Submission does not guarantee publication.
Interested in Advertising in our Newsletter? Business Card – $60; Quarter Page – $150; Half Page – $300. For more information and details on size, format and deadlines, contact our Ads Editor at UccaAds@hotmail.com. Ad space is limited and on a first come, first served basis. Ads must be submitted in PDF or JPG format and sent via email to UccaAds@hotmail.com. 10 issues per year; price is per issue.
Past issues of the newsletter are available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
View the current UCCA newsfeed at https://www.universitycitynews.org
What do Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, ImproveUC and UCCA have in common? They are all ways neighbors can connect with neighbors and the University City community. Create a post, start a conversation, share the news, organize an event, keep in touch, take a look:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/UCCA_SD
- Nextdoor – https://nextdoor.com/sandiego/
- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
- UCCA – https://www.universitycitynews.org/
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