Overview of Weekly Construction Updates Now Available Online
Closures: Throughout the month of July, construction at the Interstate 5 (I-5) / Genesee Avenue Interchange will require intermittent overnight lane closures on I-5 and Genesee Avenue, and on- and off-ramp closures, from 7 PM to 5 AM.
You can view a detailed list of planned closures and associated detours by visiting http://www.keepsandiegomoving.com/I-5-Corridor/I-5-genesee-intro.aspx or http://shiftsandiego.com. Rather than receiving multiple emails, you can now view ongoing construction information online at your convenience. Please note construction schedules are subject to change.
Email notifications will continue to be sent in advance of major project milestones and of any night work requiring additional closures and detours on I-5 or Genesee Avenue.
Progress: The public may notice lane restriping and the placement of barriers along northbound I-5 as crews prepare to work on the outside of the freeway. This is to construct an additional auxiliary lane in the northbound direction on I-5 between Genesee Avenue and Roselle Street.
Motorists should exercise caution and slow down during construction to help maintain safe travel conditions at the interchange. We appreciate your patience during construction.
About the Project: The $105 million project will replace the existing six-lane Genesee Avenue overcrossing with a ten-lane structure that will include additional vehicle lanes, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes to better accommodate current and future traffic demands in the San Diego region.
The I-5/Genesee Avenue Interchange Project is expected to be completed in 2017. Be Work Zone Alert!
Source: SANDAG/Caltrans I-5/Genesee Avenue Project Team. http://www.icontact-archive.com/l-xV4bIuEzD1ppU0Cu_TJUQTxMKw-zO5?w=4
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