All UC residents and community are invited to attend the UCCA Community Association meeting on Wednesday, July 8, at 6 PM, at the Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive.
Special agenda items include:
- U.C. High Swim/Diving team….OLD BUSINESS….request for funds ($1,000)
- Planning for August 21, “Volunteer Recognition” event at Standley Park
- Street medians repair/update- Merle
- “National Night Out”- Barbara G.
- “Celebration” report -Barry
- Imagine UC 2020 (Spreckels to Standley) – update Barry
- Social Media Improvements- new Miramar flight information web site- Diane
- UCPG – Nancy
Standing agenda items include updates from law enforcement, fire/safety, legislative and other community leaders.
If you have suggestions for agenda items, or have an concern you’d like to discuss, please Contact Us at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/.
What do Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, ImproveUC and UCCA have in common? They are all ways neighbors can connect with neighbors and the University City community.
Create a post, start a conversation, share the news, organize an event, keep in touch, take a look:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/UCCA_SD
- Nextdoor – https://nextdoor.com/sandiego/
- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
- UCCA – https://www.universitycitynews.org/
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