Update October 2016: WebTrak San Diego International no longer routinely tracks flights into and out of MCAS Miramar. For more information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/mcas-miramar-operations-information-and-contacts/
Update 10/6/2015: Point Loma residents challenge changes to flight paths at Lindbergh Field; deadline for written comment to FAA is October 8.
Original post June 14, 2015: The Federal Aviation Administration will hold a public meeting on June 22 to provide details on its proposed changes in flight routes. Local airports affected are Lindbergh Field, Palomar Airport, Brown Field, Montgomery Field, Gillespie Field and military bases at Miramar and North Island.
Source: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/jun/12/NextGen-FAA-Southern-California-satellite/
According to the FAA, many of the air traffic procedures in Southern California are decades old and inefficient. Satellite technology provides more automation and more predictable flight paths, thus helping to keep planes safely apart while lowering fuel use and possibly reducing delays.
*Please note:
WebTrak SAN has updated website at https://webtrak.emsbk.com/san
Here are links to more info from FAA; if links don’t open automatically, copy the link and paste into your browser:
FAA Releases Draft Environmental Assessment for Southern California Airspace Improvements: https://www.faa.gov/news/press_releases/news_story.cfm?newsId=19034
San Diego International Airport Proposed Procedures (3 MB): http://www.metroplexenvironmental.com/docs/socal_metroplex/Presentations_150610/SAN_Proposed_Procedures.pdf
The Southern California Metroplex (SoCal METROPLEX) Environmental Assessment Website:
A PDF of the draft is available at:
According to the FAA release, the public comment period ends on July 10. The public workshops for the project will take place throughout Southern California between June 16 and July 1. People can submit comments on the project by email 9-ANM-SoCalOAPM@faa.gov, in person at the public workshops, and by writing to:
SoCal Metroplex EA
Federal Aviation Administration
Western Service Center – Operations Support Group
1601 Lind Avenue SW
Renton, WA 98057
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